About Us

The Apollo project is a collaboration between Suzanna Lewis’s group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (BBOP, the Berkeley Bioinformatics Open-source Projects group), the JBrowse project in Ian Holmes’ group at the University of California Berkeley, and Chris Elsik’s group at the University of Missouri.

The members of the Apollo team are Suzanna Lewis (PI, LBNL), Ian Holmes (PI, UC Berkeley), Chris Elsik (PI, University of Missouri), Nathan Dunn (Technical Lead, LBNL), Monica Munoz-Torres (Project Manager, LBNL), Deepak Unni (Developer, University of Missouri), and Eric Yao (JBrowse Lead, UC Berkeley).

Members Emeriti: Gregg Helt (Genomancer Consulting), Ed Lee (LinkedIn), Colin Diesh (University of Missouri), Rob Buels (Foundation Medicine), Justin Reese (Genformatic), Mitch Skinner (Pacific Biosciences), and Nomi Harris (LBNL).

Questions can be sent to our Apollo user mailing list or posted directory to the google group. Old questions are archived on Nabble.